Database Application DevelopmentAnvilSystems Analysis and Design – Assisted with design of new database to run Anvil’s publishing business. Bay Area Air Quality Management DistrictConsulting and Training – Provided consulting services related to the use of FoxPro to manage large 10+ gigabyte air quality database. Taught class on FoxPro programming. Bill Vierra & AssociatesConsulting – Provided consulting related to client’s accounting systems. Blue Diamond GrowersConsulting – Evaluated existing database management system designed to track production. System was developed by in-house staff using FoxPro. Produced written technical documentation and report summarizing results of evaluation. The Bookkeeping DepartmentAvon and Amway Delivery – Provided database consulting related to client’s Avon and Amway projects. Borland InternationaldBASE for Windows Testing – Conducted formal testing of various pre-release versions of dBASE for Windows. California Air Resources BoardSJVAQS/AUSPEX and SARMAP Databases – Redesigned Microsoft FoxPro database of air quality measurements. The resulting normalization made it easy to create and execute multi-table queries without the necessity of costly ongoing custom programming. Wrote miscellaneous programs that manipulated the data in various ways, including cross-tabulations, data entry automation, and exports to other structures and file formats PMServer and PMClient – Completed all phases of development for PMServer and PMClient based on the PCS Pro Series Basic System. PMServer was written in Microsoft FoxPro and was responsible for polling for and fulfilling air quality database queries received though Internet and by way of State’s BBS. Overcame unique challenges presented by the shear size of data tables (1-2 gigabytes). PMClient, also written in Microsoft FoxPro, provided scientists throughout the world with an easy-to-use interface for creating relational queries to be transmitted to the ARB for execution. PMClient also provided an easy way for the file returned by their query to be converted into popular formats, ready for analysis using the tools they like best (e.g. Lotus 123, Microsoft Excel, etc.). Also see: Internal Projects, PCS Pro Series Basic System; Experiences, Administration, California Air Resources Board, LAN Management County of Yolo Department of Public HealthData Recovery – Successfully Recovered corrupted DBF files using dSalvage and PC-Tools DiskFix. Drew Child DevelopmentAutomated Child Enrollment System (ACES) – Helped with installation of ACES and provided ongoing technical support. Also see: The Foundation Center for Phenomenological Research, Automated Child Enrollment System (ACES) EconcoSBT – Assumed maintenance of large-scale multi-user SBT customization specific to Econco’s manufacturing (refurbished power vacuum tubes used in radar installations etc.) Aegis Testing System – Assumed maintenance of Aegis tube testing database written in Microsoft FoxPro. http://www.econco.com/defense.htm FDI Consulting, Inc.Consulting and Programming – Contributed to FDI’s electronic lien and title transfer systems. These databases, written using Microsoft FoxPro and program-generated HTML, support both traditional and web-based user interfaces.
Automated Child Enrollment System (ACES) – Completed all phases of development (design in cooperation with Dr. Marilyn Prosser). ACES collected and maintained enrollment and attendance data generated by a statewide network of childcare facilities. The system produced a wide range of reports, including those required by the State of California. ACES was written in Microsoft FoxPro and utilized the PCS Pro Series Basic System, a pseudo-framework from Phelps Computer Services. Rigorous version control and testing was conducted using TestPro from Phelps Computer Services. In active service from 1992 until closure of the Foundation Center in 1996. (For more information about ACES deployment, see Drew Child Development, page 3.) Also see: Internal Projects, PCS Pro Series Basic System; Internal Projects, TestPro; Drew Child Development, Automated Child Enrollment System (ACES) G & M Public Relations, Inc.Database Troubleshooting – Repaired bugs and corrupted data related to an existing database. GWP ConsultingBibliographic Database – Implemented Bibliographic Database in accordance with specification from GWP’s client. Programming completed with Microsoft FoxPro. Hubbert Systems ConsultingMSDSPro – Completed all phases of development (design in cooperation with Buddy Hubbert). MSDSPro was designed to help companies that use hazardous materials (e.g. paint, degreasers, etc.) to make their Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS’s) available for public inspection as required by Federal law. By maintaining the data electronically, they can be entered once and then efficiently printed out on the necessary reports and disclosure labels. MSDSPro was written in Microsoft FoxPro and utilized the PCS Pro Series Basic System, a pseudo-framework from Phelps Computer Services. Rigorous version control and testing was conducted using TestPro from Phelps Computer Services. Also see: Internal Projects, PCS Pro Series Basic System; Internal Projects, TestPro
Total Real Estate Management System (TREMS) – Provided consulting and programming services related to the redesign and reimplementation of TREMS, a sophisticated real estate management application owned by Brokerage Information Systems (BIS) and originally written in BASIC. Initially planned for implementation using Borland International’s Paradox database, this plan was changed in favor of using FoxPro primarily due to demonstration presented by Phelps Computer Services. Institute of Management Consultants (IMC)WebGen – (See Experiences, Web, Institute of Management Consultants (IMC), WebGen.) The Lending SourceData Conversion – Performed conversions, merges, and other manipulations on loan and phone number data files. Lewis Computer SystemsGround Water Database – Provided advice and instruction related to a database of ground water samples taken for environmental impact studies. Assisted with transition from dBASE to Microsoft FoxPro. MencoWalEDI – Assumed responsibility for maintaining existing system, “WalEDI” which was developed to extend the functionality of a commercial software product designed to facilitate the transmission and reception of electronic data Interchange (EDI) documents such as purchase orders and invoices. WalEDI was originally written in Microsoft FoxPro for DOS. Repeatedly enhanced WalEDI as needs changed and moved it to newer version of FoxPro. Also see: Experiences, Administration, Menco, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Microsoft CorporationVisual FoxPro Testing – Conducted formal testing of various pre-release versions of Visual FoxPro. Migrant Education Program, Butte County Office of EducationConsulting and Training – Provided consulting and training related to dBASE IV Attrition Study project.
NICS – Designed and implemented portions of the NetLink Interactive Cart System (NICS), the Internet’s first Internet shopping cart featuring a product database that could be updated over the Internet. NICS was written using a combination of Microsoft FoxPro and C. Integrated NICS with various web sites. Also see: Experiences, Web, NetLink Data-Communications, Inc., NICS Ophthalmic Imaging SystemsTopcon – Devised method for importing data from competitor’s Btrieve data files into OIS’s Topcon, a Web-based ophthalmic image database. Used DDF Builder, DDF Sniffer, Microsoft FoxPro, and RA SQL/B. Pacific Education Services, Inc.Course Location Attendance & Schedule System (CLASS) – Provided analysis, design, and programming, and documentation services related to CLASS. CLASS is a multi-user system written in Microsoft Visual FoxPro and is built upon the Thunder object oriented framework from Phelps Computer Services. CLASS replaced the former system written by the late Milt Weinberg. CLASS is designed as a tool to track the client’s students at each stage of their progress, from initial inquiry to enrollment to graduation. System has been in active use since 1999. Also see: Internal Projects, Thunder; Milt Weinberg, Consulting Payroll TodayPayroll System – Provided consulting and programming services related to the design and implementation of full-featured payroll system to be used by payroll service bureaus. PC ManagersBuilding Maintenance – Provided consulting services related to the design of a scheduling system for building maintenance (boilers, air conditioners, etc.) for a client of PC Managers. Proserve, Inc.Data Conversion, Telecommunications Management – Assisted with integration of voice mail and Wildcat BBS. Wrote program in Microsoft FoxPro that imports data into QuickBooks accounting software. Proserve is in the telephone answering service business and uses diverse systems, including an old multi-user minicomputer and a LAN with PC’s running various operating systems.
Eligibility Management System (EMS) – Completed all phases of development (design in cooperation with John Falappino). Wrote and published EMS User’s Guide. Using EMS, two staff members manage enrollment data for employees of 33 Northern California school districts. Benefits include Medical, Dental, Vision, AD&D, and Life insurance. EMS is a multi-user system written in Microsoft Visual FoxPro, maintains over 500 megabytes of data in 36 tables. Implementation utilizes Thunder object oriented framework from Phelps Computer Services. EMS features include event-driven object oriented user interface, more than 25 reports and 8 exports all with user-defined criteria, full benefits history, and retroactivity calculation. In active use since 1999. Also see: Thunder; Experiences, Administration, Schools Insurance Group, LAN Installation and Management Benefits and Enrollment Management System (BEMS) – Provided maintenance programming, ad hoc queries, and technical support. BEMS is EMS’s predecessor and was written in Microsoft FoxPro for DOS. BEMS data was later ported for use under the new EMS. Service Employees International UnionConsulting and Programming – Assisted with the analysis, design, and prototyping of a large multi-user database written in Microsoft Visual FoxPro. This database was designed to track such things as union membership, dues, employers, etc. Prototype was based on the Thunder object oriented framework from Phelps Computer Services. Consulting was related to relational design, SQL, frameworks, and Microsoft Visual FoxPro. Also see: Thunder Stockton Anesthesia Medical GroupHospital-to-SENCO Transfer (HST) – Completed all phases of development (design in cooperation with Dr. Todd Primack). HST, written in Microsoft Visual FoxPro, converts billing data received from hospitals for use with the company’s SENCO accounting software. System has been in active use since November 2001. CapitationPro – Completed all phases of development (design in cooperation with Dr. Todd Primack). CapitationPro imports procedures data received from hospitals and provides tools for analyzing data to determine profitability of capitated contracts. This application was written in Microsoft FoxPro and utilized the PCS Pro Series Basic System, a pseudo-framework from Phelps Computer Services, and FoxFire!, an ad-hoc report creation tool. Also see: Internal Projects, PCS Pro Series Basic System; Internal Projects University of Southern California, Sacramento CenterData Recovery – Used dSalvage to repair corrupted DBF files containing critical enrollment data. W&E ConsultingConsulting – Provided consulting services related to various internal projects, including the Maintenance Management Information System (MMIS) written in dBASE III. Water Rite ProductsConsulting – Provided consultation and training for the company’s staff involved with transition from dBASE IV to Microsoft FoxPro. Milt WeinbergConsulting – Helped Mr. Weinberg resolve certain technical problems encountered while upgrading to Microsoft FoxPro for DOS a software application he originally developed using dBASE III. The application was designed to manage class schedules for a client of his, Pacific Education Services, Inc., that specialized in teaching courses on self-improvement. Mr. Weinberg was unable to continue supporting this application and eventually recommended me as his successor. Also see: Pacific Education Services, Inc., Course Location Attendance & Schedule System (CLASS) Voysys CorporationVoysmith – Tested and wrote sample application with Voysmith, Voysys’ API for using Microsoft FoxPro with a Dialogic telephony system. Equipped with Voysmith and the Dialogic card, programmers are able to create completely automated interactive voice menu systems. Today these systems are commonly used in a variety of industries, providing a way for customers to exchange information directly with a company’s database using a simple touch-tone telephone. Also provided FoxPro-related technical support for the engineers working at Voysys. Internal ProjectsThunder – A true object oriented framework for database applications written in Microsoft Visual FoxPro, developed entirely in-house exclusively for our clients. Also see: Thunder; Pacific Education Services, Inc., Course Location Attendance & Schedule System (CLASS); Schools Insurance Group, Eligibility Management System (EMS); Service Employees International Union, Consulting and Programming PCS Pro Series Basic System – Thunder’s predecessor and pre-OOP counterpart, the PCS Pro Series Basic System was developed entirely in-house exclusively for our clients. Though serving the same basic function as Thunder, the Basic System only emulates an object-oriented framework to the extent possible within the limits of FoxPro version 2.6. For example, code reuse was improved by emulating subclasses. This was accomplished by using the way FoxPro assigns precedence to like-named procedures based how they are loaded. Also see: California Air Resources Board, PMServer and PMClient; The Foundation Center for Phenomenological Research, Automated Child Enrollment System (ACES); Hubbert Systems Consulting, MSDSPro; Stockton Anesthesia Medical Group, CapitationPro TestPro – This application is based on the PCS Pro Series Basic System and is designed to automate the testing of other applications that are based on the PCS Pro Series Basic System. TestPro records and organize test sessions as “scripts”. A test operator records a session by initiating a new script, launching the application being tested, executing the desired sequence of input operations (e.g. open form, add record, enter data, save the record), and exiting. These scripts can then be played back after the subject application has been modified in order to ensure that unmodified portions of the system still work as they did with the original version. They can even be played back in batches so that no human intervention is necessary while the testing takes place. TestPro monitors each script as it is played back. If the screen looks differently than expected (e.g. an error is triggered or the application behaves in an unexpected way), TestPro automatically logs the anomaly, complete with the screen capture and any notes that the test operator chooses to add. Also see: The Foundation Center for Phenomenological Research, Automated Child Enrollment System (ACES), Hubbert Systems Consulting, MSDSPro |